Are You Dane Ready?™

Dane Ready Campaign

Do What Assures Motivation™

Dane What About Me! is joining the conversation surrounding positive self-expression and diversity. The Dane Ready campaign sets out to engage in uplifting dialogue and literacy with our youth and provide a safe space to speak about issues that make them ask the silent question. “ Dane, What About Me? “

The phrase “Dane What About Me?” is a call to action. A call for young minds to find their unique talent and treasure them. As our youths look up to parents, teachers, and authority figures as role models for understanding, support, and direction, our voices can speak positivity and self-love into their existence. Dane Ready it’s just a piece of that narrative.

Through this journey, we hope to create a space where children can embrace the magical and educational adventure that will shape their daily lives so they can be proud of their individuality. So when children ask, “Why, not me?” or “Can it be me?” They will be confident in knowing that, “YES! It will be me!”

April is reaching out to the community so we can join forces and bring our students together to talk about Literacy and embracing their individuality, and becoming “DANE READY.”

Dane What About Me? Looks forward to hearing from you! Tell us your “Dane What About Me? Story. And see how others are standing in their purpose. For more information and to share your account through Podcasting with your students/ child, you can fill out the form with a message or email at [email protected]. You’re always welcome to call (923) 249-6448


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