Founder and CEO April Green of "Dane What About Me?"
Joins together her creative writing background to enrich children with
literacy. It showcases nonprofit organizations that assist our youths,
unmarried women, women with children, and women transitioning with
their families from shelter and homelessness. We embrace all and never
want to hear anyone say, “ Dane, What About Me? “
What My Show Is About
The April Keys Show Sharing the challenges of life experiences with single women with
children. Showcases the organizations that can and have paved the way
to a better future for those who have fallen into hardship. Also, it
provides a platform for the children to voice their concerns and allow
them to be their true selves.
I look forward to hearing from you all. And as I always say! Which Way Does Your Key Turn?

Get Involved
Get Involved! And be an intricate part of our children’s lives. Social media is consuming our children, and literacy is taking a backseat. It’s essential to instill the importance of picking up a book, learning how to read, and building their comprehension skills. These precious minds are our future, and they need to feel confident that we are here for them.
I look forward to hearing from you and your child/student and becoming DANE READY!
Above is the Dane What About Me tab; touch then click (Are You Dane Ready).